Android Fun & Entertainment How-To Guides Mobile Phones Tips and Tricks

How to maximize Ideos U8150 Battery Life – maximize Huawei Ideos Mobile Phone Battery Life

Hi everyone!

Probably you might be knowing about the best Android Mobile Phone in the market – i.e. Huawei Ideos U8150.

But you were worrying about the battery life as the Android operating system fetches it in very short period of time. The real culprit is the Android Operating System, not the hardware of this phone.

So I am writing a few tips for increasing the battery life of Ideos. I personally experienced these tricks on my Ideos Phone.

  1. Use the power button to lock/unlock the screen
  2. Turn off Wi-Fi, if you are not using them
  3. Turn off Blue-tooth when not needed
  4. Set the screen timeout to say 30 seconds or 10 seconds (or the smallest value present on your ideos phone)
  5. Set the screen brightness to around 2nd or 3rd level (or a lower degree)
  6. Disable background data synchronization, when not required
  7. Disable data services, when not required
  8. Disable GPS, when not required
  9. Only use the 2G networks, which saves your phone battery a lot

Even I am using these tricks to save the battery life of my Ideos phone, and most of the time I get battery back-up of around 3 days and 6 hours.

All the best!

Fun & Entertainment How-To Guides Tips and Tricks Windows

How to Enable Folder Options in Windows Explorer? Folder Options Missing?

When the malware enters your PC it makes the malicious files invisible, and change their properties set to hidden and thereafter disables Tools > Folder Options link, and such that you won’t be able to make them visible.

But here is the procedure to enable the Folder Options again :

  1. Launch the registry editor (Start > Run and write regedit and hit Enter)
  2. If the registry editor is not disabled then go directly to the step 3, then its window will be opened but if it doesn’t gets opened, please read here to enable the registry editor.
  3. Go to the below keys 1 by 1,
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Policies/Explorer
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Policies/Explorer

    then look for the DWORD value by the name NoFolderOptions. If the value exists then delete it.

You can cross-check it, in Tools > Folder Options.

Please speak your experiences.

Fun & Entertainment How-To Guides Tips and Tricks Windows

Enable Regedit – Get rid of “Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator”

The are many types of computer viruses, which are built to disable the registry editing. This is just due to the reason that they are attaching themselves to the startup of windows and don’t want you to change their way to working.

Sometimes the system administrators are also disabling the registry editing to keep their computer safe from unauthorized changes, and they don’t want you to surpass their preferences by simply editing some keys in the windows registry files.

Then what will you do if you are getting the error like, Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator


Just visit Start > Run, write the below code, and hit Enter,

REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

But if the Run button doesn’t exist in the your windows operating system – start menu, then just hit the windows key + R and Run dialog box will be shown to you. 🙂


Fun & Entertainment How-To Guides Tips and Tricks Windows

How to make your own Text to Speech Converter

Earlier you might have read the list of online text to speech converters, they are good if you want to listen the files in mp3 format. But if you want a small piece of text to be converted into sound/speech, then those website gets out of mind.

You know, you can make your own Text to Speech Converter within a few seconds?

Just Open the notepad, and paste the following code in it,

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox(“What do you want me to say?”,”Text To Voice”)
Set sapi=CreateObject(“sapi.spvoice”)
sapi.Speak message

Now save that text file with some name for example, TipsRing-Text-2-Speech-Converter.vbs and you’re done. Now open the software by double clicking on it (where you saved that file), and from now onwards, whenever there is some need to convert text to speech, you can open your own text to speech converter.

How To Make Your Own Text to Speech Converter

Type some text in the provided box and hit OK. You will get the sound for the text you entered.

This Text To Voice converter has been tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7.

Isn’t it cool! Why not share your opinion in the form of comment!

How-To Guides Online Tools Tips and Tricks

List of Free Online Text to Speech Converters

Each day many of the free online E-books are getting released, and most of the time we don’t want to read the books, in such situation you can use any of the text to speech converter, to listen to those e-books instead of just reading them.

The other nice feature of using the text-to-audio converter is, they will help you to perform multitasking. For example, you can do something else, while listening to them, and hence can save a little time.

There are a number of free and commercial text to speech converters available. Each may consist of few different features.

Moreover, the desktop applications are also available for doing so. This page will provide details about all free and online text-2-speech converters.

  1. Zamzar : You might have read about Zamzar earlier or read it here if you didn’t do it yet. Zamzar is a free popular online converter, which also supports the documents conversion to MP3 formats. You will be need to upload any file like a Text File, Word Doc. or a PDF file and receive a MP3 version of the file in your e-mail or on the page itself.
  2. YakiToMe : YakitoMe lets you listen, any document format like presentations, emails, RSS feeds, e-books, blog posts and so on.
  3. VozMe : A great feature of VozMe is, it supports various languages like Hindi, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan and more.
  4. iSpeech : iSpeech is a free tool to convert any text to audio on the go. There, you can convert any web page to the MP3 format. You can also embed or download the audio file as well.
  5. ABCtoMP3 : Using ABCtoMP3, the HTML files, PDF files, plain text files or even a simple web URL can be converted into MP3.

If you have knowledge about some more free web text to speech / audio converters, then you can freely use the below comments form to describe them.


How-To Guides Linux Mac Tips and Tricks Windows

What is a .lit file? and How to open .lit files?

Did you get some file with .lit extension while you were testing something or in some work-around?

Okay! Here is the method for opening the .lit files.

.lit file is a format from Microsoft Reader, which is Generally for an e-book reader, available for the mobile phones as well as for the desktops.

The easiest way to open .lit files is to download the Microsoft Reader and use it. But it will only work on Windows Operating Systems.

If you want .lit files to be opened on Mac or Linux, then you will need to download a small program called ConvertLit. ConvertLit converts the .lit file to the open file formats. ConvertLit is also available for the Windows Operating Systems.