How-To Guides Linux Tips and Tricks Windows

Make Linux to Look Like Just Windows 7

Finally after a long time, we have got a Transformation Pack for the Linux Operating System, which can make our computer look like Windows 7.

The software named Gnome Desktop or Win2-7 pack uses some tricks, to convert the look and feel of your Linux operating system, and hence provides a better experience while working on linux PC.

Make Linux to Look Like Windows 7 :

Well, I have personally tried it. This software is really very easy to install and use thereafter.

Moreover, there are number of customizations provided along with this Transformation Pack, by which you can customize the look of your Linux PC.

To use the gnome desktop – Win2-7 pack, you will have to install it. You can download gnome desktop Win2-7 pack from their official website, and open the to start installation.


How-To Guides Linux Tips and Tricks Windows

How to Install and Use Silverlight in Linux Operating System?

Silverlight is obviously a cool web development application framework, which is now getting popular steadily, because now a days, the the coding freaks are developing the complex web applications and folks like their interfaces.

But it looks very surprising, that one can’t install the Silverlight over the Linux Operating System, means no access to the silverlight enabled websites if you’re using the Linux Operating System in your Computer/Laptop.

However, I got 1 solution for this issue, which is named as Moonlight (from the people of Mono Project). Moonlight is an open source program for playing Silverlight Applications. One can for Moonlight as an alternative to the Silverlight if you are working on the Linux Operating System. There are 2 selective methods to use the Moonlight, as per your Linux environment,

  • You might have Moonlight package available for installation in your Linux version itself. If it is, then just install it. e.g., Ubuntu Lucid Lynx is already having a Moonlight package included with it. So one can immediately install it via the below command line (To install moon-light plugin on the Firefox browser)

    sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-core moonlight-plugin-mozilla
    or by using their Ubuntu Software Center.

  • If your version of Linux doesn’t contain the Moonlight with it, then you will have to install that manually. You can visit here to install Moonlight as a browser plugin over the Linux.
How-To Guides Linux Tips and Tricks Windows

How to Access Windows Partitions from Linux on a Dual Boot Computer System

If you do the dual boot on your computer, e.g., Windows and the Linux, then, on Linux you won’t be able to access the Hard Disk Partitions that you created in windows OS. But here’s a solution for it. To use the Windows Hard Disk Partitions when you’re using your Linux Operating System, you can mount the Windows Hard Disk Partitions over the Linux.

Windows OS Hard Disk Partitions can be grouped in NTFS (New Technology File System) and FAT (File Allocation Table) file systems. You can have access to both the NTFS and FAT Partitions in Ubuntu or Linux operating system, without any complications.

Just, visit Applications then go to Accessories and click on the Terminal screen option there, and launch it.

Now if you want Windows Partition(s) to be mounted, then make a blank directory at some place, e.g. if you wish Windows C: drive to be mounted in the Linux OS, then just create a separate directory with the name c in the folder named mnt.

You will get the out put as following,

Boot Device      Start         End      Block   Id  System
/dev/hd1   *           5        3515    956465476+  212  Linux swap
/dev/hd2            3546        4576      346458   321  Linux
/dev/hd3            3565        7854    56465687   534  NTFS

by entering the Command,

# sudo mkdir -p /mnt/d

Then apply the below command to get the partitions names to be mounted.

# sudo fdisk -l

So the output clearly states – /dev/hd3 is the NTFS (New Technology File System) Hard Disk Partition of Windows.

If you want to mount the FAT partitions made on the Windows Operating System, then do a little change in the system type as following,

# sudo mount -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000 /dev/hda1 /mnt/d

But, to mount NTFS drive partition into a directory, use the following,

# sudo mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 /dev/hdb1 /mnt/d

And, to un-mount anyone or all those Windows Hard Disk partitions, use the following,

# sudo umount /mnt/d


Fun & Entertainment How-To Guides Tips and Tricks Windows

Windows Desktop Music Player for GrooveShark and – GrooveWalrus

GrooveWalrus is a freeware utility specially developed for the Windows Operating System, which allows the windows users to listen songs from and Grooveshark website(s) from their desktop.

GrooveWalrus brings both Grooveshark and to our very own computer/laptop. One could search either by the artist name or can directly stream the songs using the player itself.

One can also create his own playlists, using the same.


The interface of GrooveWalrus is very much user friendly. And the other great feature of it is the support for the plugins, which provides better listening experience. Moreover, you can also view the lyrics in the same software, while you are listening to the music. Here’s the example for it


The other good feature of this software is the web remote management, means, you can control this desktop/laptop player by using any remote computer/laptop connected to the Internet.

Fun & Entertainment How-To Guides Tips and Tricks Windows

How to Enable Folder Options in Windows Explorer? Folder Options Missing?

When the malware enters your PC it makes the malicious files invisible, and change their properties set to hidden and thereafter disables Tools > Folder Options link, and such that you won’t be able to make them visible.

But here is the procedure to enable the Folder Options again :

  1. Launch the registry editor (Start > Run and write regedit and hit Enter)
  2. If the registry editor is not disabled then go directly to the step 3, then its window will be opened but if it doesn’t gets opened, please read here to enable the registry editor.
  3. Go to the below keys 1 by 1,
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Policies/Explorer
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Policies/Explorer

    then look for the DWORD value by the name NoFolderOptions. If the value exists then delete it.

You can cross-check it, in Tools > Folder Options.

Please speak your experiences.

Fun & Entertainment How-To Guides Tips and Tricks Windows

Enable Regedit – Get rid of “Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator”

The are many types of computer viruses, which are built to disable the registry editing. This is just due to the reason that they are attaching themselves to the startup of windows and don’t want you to change their way to working.

Sometimes the system administrators are also disabling the registry editing to keep their computer safe from unauthorized changes, and they don’t want you to surpass their preferences by simply editing some keys in the windows registry files.

Then what will you do if you are getting the error like, Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator


Just visit Start > Run, write the below code, and hit Enter,

REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

But if the Run button doesn’t exist in the your windows operating system – start menu, then just hit the windows key + R and Run dialog box will be shown to you. 🙂
