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How to Lock The Taskbar Permananetly in Windows ?

We always lock the taskbar by the below displayed method,

How To Lock The Taskbar Permananetly in Windows

but if someone else changes it on our own computer, we get irritated, and want something like, to hide the lock the taskbar button, so that no one else could change your preference.

And yes, there a way to do so.

First of all apply all the desired changes on your windows taskbar. Now right click anywhere on the taskbar and hit Lock the Taskbar.

How To Lock The Taskbar Permananetly in Windows

Then perform the below steps,

  1. Go to Start > Run, enter regedit and hit the OK button.
  2. Look for the key,
  3. Create a new DWORD Value by right clicking anywhere in the pane, as,  New > DWORD Value. Now create a LockTaskbar key.How To Lock The Taskbar Permananetly in Windows
  4. Then open the newly created entry by double clicking on it and set the Value of it as 1.How To Lock The Taskbar Permananetly in Windows
  5. Exit the regedit – registry editor.

And you’re done.

To confirm, right click on the windows task bar and you’ll see that Lock the Taskbar is disabled.

How To Lock The Taskbar Permananetly in Windows

This trick is applicable to the current logged in user. If you have several user accounts, you have to do this procedure separately for all of them. So, to get rid of this and apply this as global setting (for all users on the computer), you will have to create LockTaskbar key (as explained above), in this


In future if you need to edit the taskbar settings, just reset the value of the LockTaskbar key to 0 (which was set to 1).

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How to Stop Annoying Balloon Tips in the Windows Notification Area ?

No one likes the annoying balloon tips which often comes in our windows operating system.

There is a very easy way to get rid of them.

Here is the procedure for disabling these balloon tips:

  1. Go to Start > Run, enter regedit, (start the registry editor)
  2. Search for the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
  3. See the DWORD value EnableBalloonTips in the registry editor right pane
    • If it is available, give it hexadecimal value of 0 (zero) by double clicking on it.
    • If you don’t see this key, create a new DWORD value, and name it as EnableBalloonTips. Now give it hexadecimal value of 0 by double clicking on it.

    Stop Those Annoying Balloon Tips in the Notification Area of Windows

  4. Hit the OK button and close the regedit – registry editor.

From now onwards, you won’t get the annoying balloon tips.


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Select, Copy And Paste Text In Cmd/Command Prompt

Most of the times we want to copy, paste on the command prompt, but there is no shortcut working on it like CTRL+C and so on.

But here is the simplest way to select, copy and paste from/to the windows command prompt.

Follow the procedure described below.

  1. Open the Windows Command Prompt.
  2. Perform a Right click on the command prompt window’s title bar, and hit the properties option.Select, Copy And Paste Text In Cmd/Command Prompt
  3. Now select the QuickEdit Mode option.Select, Copy And Paste Text In Cmd/Command Prompt
  4. Hit OK, a confirm dialog will appear. Select Save properties for future windows with same title option, and hit the OK button.Select, Copy And Paste Text In Cmd/Command Prompt

It will enable the command prompt Quick-Edit mode.

Now, the way to select, copy and paste from a quick edit mode enabled command prompt window is explained below:

To copy something from the command prompt, just use the pointer to select the text (just like you’re selecting the text from a Word Page), and perform a right click or hit the Enter button thereafter. It will copy the selected text.

Select, Copy And Paste Text In Cmd/Command Prompt

Now, to paste anything into command prompt, just perform a right click on the location in command prompt where you want the text to be pasted.


Computer Education How-To Guides Laptops Tips and Tricks Windows

How to easily reach a directory in windows using command prompt

Most of the times it looks annoying when we want to reach to some folder directly (in windows) by using the Windows Command Prompt, and writing CD Folder, again and again.

Open Command Prompt at a Particular Folder Directly from the Folders Context Menu

I have got a very simple solution for it.

For doing so, you will have to paste the below lines as it is, into the notepad, and save it as cmd.reg on the desktop preferably.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Open with Command Prompt”
@=”cmd.exe \”%1\””

After saving it, launch the saved file (by double clicking on it), so that the settings written in the file could be sent to the registry file. Now when you perform a right click onto any directory, it will show an extra option by the name Open With Command Prompt.


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How to Fix “Cannot modify header information – headers already sent” error in WordPress

A most frequent question comes while wordpress troubleshooting is, after adding some code to functions.php or after replacing / modifying any file by using the FTP, we get an error like below,

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /your/site/path/public_html/index.php:724) in /your/site/path/public_html/blog/somefile.php on line 98

It means that there is anything came before the headers part of the PHP. For example text or the spaces have same before or after (Start Tag) <?php or ?> (ending tag).

Tip : You can get the error information, by visiting to Home of your FTP Server and look for the file named error_log, just download and view it.

Now open that errorfile.php either by downloading it from FTP or open it directly from your File Manager, and look at the starting portion, and remove all extra content like spaces, but if you get something HTML tags like  <div id=”TipsRing”> then don’t delete them.

How to Fix Cannot modify header information - headers already sent error in WordPress

How to Fix Cannot modify header information   headers already sent error in WordPress

Now go to the end of that error generating file and delete all blank spaces after the ?> sign.

How to Fix Cannot modify header information   headers already sent error in WordPress

You can replace that file with your new one (edited) either by using the FTP or in the File Manager itself. But remember to backup your old files first.


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A Beginners Guide to Firefox Profiles

Firefox profile are almost like using different browsers (each profile acts as a different browser). The profiles can have their own bookmarks , addons, extensions, themes and so on, means one profile could be totally different from the rest profiles.

What’s their use?

  • You can create different profiles for different folks like 1 for you, 1 for your brother and so on, on the same PC.
  • You can create a separate video profiles including all of the add-ons
  • Your home, and office profiles could differ from each other. Let’s say, If you are using your firefox for the development then obviously there wouldn’t be anything to deal with Gmail, and if using Gmail, your browser will be dead slow.
  • You can also create a separate profile to perform a research on the new addons or themes.

Here is the way to create a separate profile in the Mozilla FIrefox,

1. Just launch the command prompt (go to Run, write cmd and hit the Enter button), and launch the mozilla firefox with its end as –profilemanager, as shown below.

A Beginners Guide to Firefox Profiles

2. This will launch the the Profile Manager of Mozilla Firefox,

Now first of all you need to uncheck the Don’t ask at startup option, so that whenever Mozilla Firefox gets started, it will ask which profile is to use.

A Beginners Guide to Firefox Profiles

So, now you can create multiple profiles by using the Create Profile Button. and similar to this, you can also delete or rename any of the available Mozilla Firefox Profiles.

How to use Different Mozilla Firefox Profiles at the same time ?

Well, you will not be able to run more than 1 Mozilla Firefox profile simultaneously, by default.
But if you want to use different profiles at the same time, then first of all you need to make a shortcut for Mozilla Firefox. The simplest mehtod to this is, visit the Firefox installation directory (usually C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox), right click on the file firefox.exe and click on create a shortcut and copy-paste it to the desktop, or click on the send to desktop link.

A Beginners Guide to Firefox Profiles

Then visit to the desktop and perform a right click on that newly created shortcut, then go to properties, and append -no-remote in the end of that text, as shown below.

A Beginners Guide to Firefox Profiles

Here you go, now you can use it to launch several Mozilla Firefox at the same time. Just launch the Mozilla Firefox by using this shortcut.

Enjoy. 🙂